7 Top Tips to guide you through Christmas!

Christmas isn’t just one day, or even 3 or 4 days of ‘holiday’ it is a whole month of preparation, shopping and organising. And that’s before we get to the socialising, food, nativity plays and wrapping of gifts! So here our my top 7 things to make your Christmas a little more manageable! 1. Hatch […]

Keeping it Fresh

I am often asked how we should ‘keep up the good work’, what happens as things ‘plateau out’ or need a ‘boost’ to maintain our good intentions. For me these questions are often the crux of the issue … we shouldn’t be all about the quick fixes or the need to constantly ‘better ourselves’. Lets […]

Mental health and motherhood – developing a diary for the fourth trimester.

The first twelve weeks of a baby’s life has been termed ‘the fourth trimester’, to account for the intense needs that a newborn baby has during this time. Adjusting to life outside the womb for babies is a gradual business, and for new mums, the acknowledgement of a fourth trimester for themselves can be helpful […]

Hints and Tips

We know it can feel overwhelming and daunting walking into a class for the first time – as we’ve all done it. We promise when you turn up you will receive a friendly face, a warm smile and all the support you need. And that’s just from the other ladies in the class! Here are […]

New Term, New Start?

As September beckons and our thoughts turn away from the Summer into Autumn and the new school year, I am debating whether September is the new January? Fresh start, resurrect those promises we made ourselves all those months back. A time to reset, refocus and give those goals another go. With the lack of routine […]

Birth Preparation

I was so happy to find Fit and Healthy Mums when I reached the second trimester of my pregnancy. Keeping fit and healthy throughout pregnancy was very important to me, having been very active previously and from my very first Fit4birth class I knew I had found the perfect place for me. For first time […]

Travelling with Little People!?

Hands up if moving around has become a bit of a military operation! Tetris style puzzles to fill the car, roof box and every footwell is heaving! Stuff literally everywhere? I can remember my first holiday with a little person, it wasn’t really a holiday – just a change of scenery and actually a lot […]

What is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis recti is the separation of the abdominal muscles, usually as a result of pregnancy. As your abdomen expands and grows for your baby, the muscles stretch and move around. They are doing their job, protecting your baby, allowing him/her to grow and develop. So many changes occur within the tummy during pregnancy, the rib […]

Feeling hot, hot hot?

Hands up who is sweaty, sticky and just feeling a bit grim! We all love the sunshine and the opportunity it gives us to get outdoors. The feeling of the sun and warmth on our skin, the top up of vitamin D and the longer evenings can make us feel great – and have a […]

My Not So Perfect Life!

As I sit in a coffee shop, a rare treat to actually sit you understand and not be ‘entertaining’ and doing some ‘colouring in’ whilst attempting a conversation. I mean actually sit and people watch – bliss! I watch the surface actions of lots of Mums, all around me. Meeting and greeting each other, hugs […]