Women's health PT

What is a Women’s Health PT?

Many years ago when I started training as a Fitness Professional, after my third child, little did I know quite where I would end up! Fitness and Health covers such a huge spectrum of services and areas of specialism, I followed my passion into Female Health and became a Women’s Health PT. So, what does […]

Diastasis Recti Recovery – Top Tips

We help 100’s of ladies with diastasis recti recovery and all the associated issues around the body that are common with this condition – so much so, that we’ve even been featured in Women’s Health covering the subject! With at least 2 in every 3 women experiencing an opening of the abdominal muscles post childbirth, […]

C Section and Scar Recovery Programmes

C – Section Recovery

Did you know that 25% of babies are now delivered by c-section in the UK? Some of these are planned, some emergency but each will be for a reason. Our ‘bounce-back and snap into shape’ culture along with the press and social media would have you believe that the procedure and recovery is just run […]

Have you heard of fascia?

As we extend our learning further and continue to evolve and develop new programmes to help women, we delve deeper into the anatomy of the female form. Many of you won’t have heard of or even be aware of the fascia that’s sits within your system, and nor would you understand it’s function or purpose. […]

What is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis recti is the separation of the abdominal muscles, usually as a result of pregnancy. As your abdomen expands and grows for your baby, the muscles stretch and move around. They are doing their job, protecting your baby, allowing him/her to grow and develop. So many changes occur within the tummy during pregnancy, the rib […]

Why Fixing Abdominal Separation Needs A New Broader Approach

When it comes to fixing abdominal separation, gone are the days when I can just say:Focussing solely on your mid-section and training just your abdominal muscles in an effort to ‘fix’ any distension in your tummy muscles is what’s called ‘spot reducing’.Put simply, ‘spot reducing’ is where you focus on just one muscle group, one […]