A Pilates class for all pre and postnatal ladies.

Feeling a bit tight? Niggly back pain? Need a right good stretch? Then this is made for you!

A Fitness Pilates class for pregnant and postnatal women aimed at improving your posture, your core strength and to work on muscular imbalances making day to day tasks easier.

If everything just feels like hard work, all the lifting and carrying of your baby is not helping, alongside the feeding schedule then this mix of exercises will really help. A 60 minute class based on the original Pilates programme from Joseph Pilates. Specific exercises, tailored to prenatal and postnatal women, to enhance strength, balance and control as well as flexibility and joint mobility. These classes are tailored for Mums and Mums to be, so specific movements are chosen for tummy muscles, the back, posture and pelvic floor.

In each class we start with a joint warm up, then move into a muscle warm up. Progressing onto standing sequences of movement (heartraisers!) and then floor based exercises, pelvic floor work, flexibility and stretching. The content of each session differs weekly, we can concentrate on neck and posture one week and then look at back release work the following week. We also like to mix these classes up with a little equipment so body weight and mat based exercises are taught alongside the resistance bands and Pilates balls to change the dynamic of the movements.

At each session there is a large playmat and boxes of toys to entertain the little ones, and we are all well practiced in teaching and rocking babies!

Ladies with abdominal separation, weakened pelvic floor and those receiving treatment from a physiotherapists are able to join these classes.

Remember the ‘slinky’ that you used to watch go down the stairs as a child – at the moment you are all coiled up, on the top step .... after this class you will all stretched out, feeling 6 inches taller!

''Every week I come to your session with shoulder pain, and within 5 minutes its completely gone.''

''I am so glad my physio knew about your sessions, all the exercises she gave me to do were in your class!''

Babies, tots and children always welcome to our exercise classes
Things we love at Fit and Healthy Mums

Benefits of Pilates

A full body approach to exercise and movement
Build strength up without using weights
Exercises to suit your level of fitness
Each exercise can be easily adapted to suit you
Increase flexibility
Aids alignment and posture
Helps coordination
Enhances self confidence

Class Details

Pre and Postnatal Pilates - Monday 10:30am Wootton Community Centre OX13 6DA. Monday 8pm on zoom. Wednesday 11am, Term time only, The Beacon Centre, Wantage, OX12 9BX. Pilates4all - Monday 8pm, via zoom. Classes run in blocks of 8 weeks, you can start a block at any time, £8.00 per session or £64 for a block of 8.

For all of my postnatal classes I do an ‘ab check’ for diastasis recti and ensure that the girls are working at the correct level and progressing.

For all of my postnatal classes I do an ‘ab check’ for diastasis recti and ensure that the girls are working at the correct level and progressing.

A Fitness Pilates class for pre and postnatal women, improve your posture, your core strength and work on muscular imbalances to make day to day tasks easier. Oxfordshire