Welcome to postnatal, Trimester 4 and the haze that is parenting! Congratulations on your new - or not so new - arrival(s). We are often asked how old does your baby need to be for 'postnatal'? Well we consider postnatal to be an ongoing phase, some of our clients have children at senior school!
The earliest you can commence postnatal exercise is 6 weeks, following your GP appointment, however you can enjoy baby massage from birth. We fully encourage you to use your first 6 weeks after delivery to rest and recover as much as you can - everyone is different and some mums will be raring to go at 4 weeks and want some homework! Other ladies may not be ready to start exercise until much later, and they enjoy some of our other postnatal classes.
There are lots of things to try in postnatal, and your baby, tots and children are always welcome to attend - regardless of a class, workshop or appointment. We travel with playmats, bags of toys and have lots of experience in teaching and rocking babies! Keri is a dab hand at a bottle feed and a core workout!
Why not see what works for you? We are super flexible, you are welcome to try classes before committing to a 'block' of sessions. If you miss a class you can make it up with something else and you can start at any time - don't wait until you think we are starting a new term!
Postnatal assessments can be a great place to start, Keri will take you through a 45 minute appointment and provide key exercises, nutrition tips and self care advice. Includes posture assessment, diastasis check and pelvic floor advice.
Pilates - the best place to start following birth or if you haven't moved for a little while. Great for injury's, pain sites, back ache, posture, pelvic floor and abs!
Buggyfit - outdoor class with pushchairs, mixed class of cardio, strength work, toning and powerwalking. Always a giggle and brilliant for head space.
Baby Massage - a lovely 5 week course where you can learn all the skills and techniques to massage at home. One of our favourites!
Recovery and Healing:
Diastasis Programme - over 70% of women following the birth of their baby will experience some form of tummy gap, we offer a full programme of abdominal recovery.
Pelvic Floor Programme - over 65% of women will experience some weakness, incontinence or prolapse following delivery, we are able to assist you in rehabilitating and building strength to reduce symptoms.
C- section and Scar Programme - with over 25% of women delivering their baby via C-section, the recovery can be very different to a natural birth. This programme is designed for those who want to gain full strength back in the core using exercise and massage techniques.
Also, don't forget to check out our workshops as there is always lots going on, from first aid courses, women's health physio support, nutrition and more!

- Classes led by highly trained and experienced specialists
- Babies, tots and children welcome - to everything!
- A full body, holistic approach to your postnatal recovery - body, mind and self care
- Private appointments available to everything
- Brilliant way to get out the house and meet other mums