Every year around this time I feel pressurised, cheated in some ways ….. and have to work very hard to stop myself from feeling stressed. It shouldn’t be like this, right?
I mean, we just had a lovely Christmas, enjoying family time, delicious food and have made some wonderful memories. A new year has arrived full of possibilities, an open book to take a fresh look. But NO, we have to be invaded by all the quick fixes, diet tips and media messages that we have to follow because we have been really indulgent over the holiday.
NO! I refuse to let myself be dragged down in this wave of pressure and expectations to the perfect mother, partner, work colleague, daughter, sister and friend. It is the new year and I am going to be kind to myself! Less stress, no pressurised expectations, just me, content and happy. Striving for better, in a ‘me’ kind of way.
Here are some of the things that make me feel good.
– A good night sleep. I know maybe not the best advice for you new mums but you must try going to bed a little earlier or grabbing 20 minutes in the day. If you have little ones just nap when they are napping. I remember doing it when my girls were babies. Don’t even think about letting those negative thoughts come in! “I should be doing the washing or the ironing…”. NO. Be kind to yourself! You will be far more efficient and your mood will improve too.
– Go for nice walk outside, enjoy our rural communities. Don’t run. Just enjoy the scenery, take in your environment using all of your senses. The sight of the trees, the smell of wet grass, the wind on your face, the sound of the ground giving in as you walk. Just be in the moment!
– Eat well. Do not open the fridge door and feel guilt. Guilt for what? Taking care of yourself? Enjoy the food that you eat. Don’t diet, don’t skip meals. I think this has never made anyone feel good. Fuel yourself with the good stuff, don’t worry if you succumb to a treat. Be kind to yourself!
– Dance with your kids. I know it sounds bonkers but give it a try. In our house we turn up “I like to move it, move it”. Everyone does their funkiest moves and it’s such a good laugh. Plus it just puts everyone, small and big, in a brilliant mood.
So for 2019 all I want is to be kind to myself!
Joana xx
Joana is our resident psychologist who is a specialist practitioner in working with women who are trying to conceive, prenatal or postnatal. She has a wealth of experience in dealing with women experiencing anxiety, depression, birth trauma or the feeling of being overwhelmed. She is highly trained in helping families to put in place strategies to aid fussy babies, those that excessively cry, sleep patterns and much more. Sessions by appointment only.